Sunday, July 25th
Dearest… (the filthiest thing in the world),
You know, I can't for the life of me think of anything foul enough, vulgar enough or disgusting enough to call you. Kiddo, in that department, you've got me beat by miles.
Really shouldn't be writing you, but anything to keep from doing my term paper.
This is just to let you know I am giving you a thought and madly envying everything you’re doing....Oh hell, I'm so disgusted with everything. Parents are giving me real complaints about Heinz now. Alberta sure wasn't any help last Thursday evening. Angy, Weaver & Heinz and I went bowling. Earlier Dad asked Al where I was going and she said, “Oh, bowling with that Swiss boy Heinz.” Damn her anyway. She knew good and well Angy and Weaver were going too. But no, she has to make it difficult by saying “that Swiss Boy”. Sometimes I think she actually enjoys making trouble for me. Why can't she learn to be a bit more diplomatic and say things with more tact. Oh well...I just have to play it cool with Heinz and not antagonize parents about him. I want so much to ski with him this winter I can't afford to jeopardize our friendship now. Al's also been telling parents, “I'm going to introduce Lil to lots of N.Y. fellows so she can go out with some nice Chinese fellows for a change.” Boy...did you catch the sarcasm and inferences in that “altruistic” statement. I think I'm going to marry anything but a Chinese ––– just for spite. Man am I bitter today. Damn the whole God Damn Bitching World!!!!!
Right now I'd like to marry Heinz and forget the whole stinkin' mess. He's really serious about the possibility of us two being more than “just friends”. Right now friendship must suffice. He still has two more years for a B.S. and maybe a M.A. But he said I'm one of the first girls he's ever considered in the matrimonial light. Hummm, this could be quite an interesting relationship to observe. Pappa Steinmann is Bucks Up – about 1 millions worth.––– And little Heinzy's due to look after it since he's the only brother going into business.
Just working off steam. Sorry you gotta leave on the 18th – Bye Hon, Love, Lil
You know, I can't for the life of me think of anything foul enough, vulgar enough or disgusting enough to call you. Kiddo, in that department, you've got me beat by miles.
Really shouldn't be writing you, but anything to keep from doing my term paper.
This is just to let you know I am giving you a thought and madly envying everything you’re doing....Oh hell, I'm so disgusted with everything. Parents are giving me real complaints about Heinz now. Alberta sure wasn't any help last Thursday evening. Angy, Weaver & Heinz and I went bowling. Earlier Dad asked Al where I was going and she said, “Oh, bowling with that Swiss boy Heinz.” Damn her anyway. She knew good and well Angy and Weaver were going too. But no, she has to make it difficult by saying “that Swiss Boy”. Sometimes I think she actually enjoys making trouble for me. Why can't she learn to be a bit more diplomatic and say things with more tact. Oh well...I just have to play it cool with Heinz and not antagonize parents about him. I want so much to ski with him this winter I can't afford to jeopardize our friendship now. Al's also been telling parents, “I'm going to introduce Lil to lots of N.Y. fellows so she can go out with some nice Chinese fellows for a change.” Boy...did you catch the sarcasm and inferences in that “altruistic” statement. I think I'm going to marry anything but a Chinese ––– just for spite. Man am I bitter today. Damn the whole God Damn Bitching World!!!!!
Right now I'd like to marry Heinz and forget the whole stinkin' mess. He's really serious about the possibility of us two being more than “just friends”. Right now friendship must suffice. He still has two more years for a B.S. and maybe a M.A. But he said I'm one of the first girls he's ever considered in the matrimonial light. Hummm, this could be quite an interesting relationship to observe. Pappa Steinmann is Bucks Up – about 1 millions worth.––– And little Heinzy's due to look after it since he's the only brother going into business.
Just working off steam. Sorry you gotta leave on the 18th – Bye Hon, Love, Lil
Summer of ‘54: The Scene | 1: Al: Have I been busy | 2: Jigi: Orchid leis | 3: Lil: Go crazy, kid 4: Wally: Don’t change | 5: Ron: Damn nice of you | 6: Mom: A grand success | 7: Mom: My fashion plate | 8: Lil: Who’d’ve understood? | 9: Jigi: The sexy bastard | 10: Mom: That gleam and glow | 11: Mom: So proud of you | 12: Al: Fast Casanova | 13: Lil: Free coaching | 14: Mom: Simply heartbroken | 15: Al: Most scandalous | 16: Lil: Men! | 17: Jigi: Gush it up | 18: Mom: Keep it to yourselves | 19: Lil: Bitter today | 20: Lil: Your future brother-in-law | 21: To the convent | The Anniversary Party